Wednesday, December 12, 2007

El Grande Apple

Here I am, back in New York City for the usual of training and physical therapy. I'm only here until Monday and then I go back to the usual routine in Rochester.

Apparently I bring the snow with me everywhere I go since there will be a huge snow storm in the city tomorrow. I wonder what counts as "huge" in NYC because in Rochester huge snow storm means something ridiculous like a few feet of snow in a short amount of time. But even then I think that Rochester would keep going and people would keep driving through it. I wonder what it will be like tomorrow in the city? It's kind of nice to see the city covered in white dusty snow for a few hours before it turns a brown or dark gray.

Oh yes, I had a comment about the last tournament. I fenced well and lost by one touch in over time to make it to the top-4 round, so I ended up fifth. In the long run of things the international tournament results will be more important than the national competition results.

One of the days in Richmond, I had a chance to speak to a retired fencer that I always admired but never really had the chance to talk to. (To give some people a hint, I believe he holds a record for how many national championships he's won.) We spoke about what it's like to be an "older" athlete in the sport and how to keep up motivation when you are no longer this young gun coming through the ranks. He mentioned that staying positive really helped him-he never got down on himself and felt that with more positive energy his results and successes were even greater. It just boils down to believing in yourself no matter what. In sport and perhaps in life, you have to be your own biggest fan sometimes.

Good thing I have Mama Zimmermann to keep me in check.

Good luck to all the New Yorkers in tomorrow's snow storm.