Thursday, June 21, 2007


is finally operational! Yes! This has been a long and coming project..I think we started in January, but the website is finally up and running!

Many thanks to Dave Pronko of Steelhorse Studios for designing the site and to Barbara Grosh of Crafting Links for site development. THANK YOU BOTH! :) I just like to add that they did the website for me for free as a contribution to my fencing. Thank you again!

Please feel free to go to the website and check it out. Let me know your likes (since there shouldn't be any dislikes!) and please sign up for a newsletter subscription!


Unknown said...

Hey Iris,
I checked out your website and signed up for your newsletter. It looks amazing, congratulations!!!!
How frequently will you be publishing a newsletter? Will you stop making posts to your blog now that you have a newsletter? I hope not, because I am a big fan of your blog and it helps me stay on top of my favorite athletes and teammates :-)
Congrats again!!!!

Iris said...


I am hoping to send out a newsletter every few months or so. The summer months are a little slower, of course.

I am definitely going to keep blogging because it gives me a great outlet for joy, frustration, stress, and all those other emotions.

This sounds cheesy but-thanks for your support. You're truly an amazing individual.
