Friday, May 25, 2007


The best part about coming back from Asia-being home. The worst part, two words-JET and LAG. Even after all my travels it's still hard to return home from a long trip but the large time difference in Asia, it's sort of making my head spin.

During the days I'm always tired because of course, my body thinks it's time to sleep. I push through the day and then at night when I think I'm going to be at my peak of being tired and being ready for bed, I'm WIDE AWAKE. WIDE AWAKE. Last night I "fell asleep" (I wouldn't call it sleeping, more like a light doze) around 1am and then I woke up every hour from 5:30am on.

I asked my coach and she is experiencing the same sort of dazy days and wide awake nights. We are both using the opportunity to catch up on some work late into the night. She does some paper work for the US Fencing office and I blog about the jet lag experience.

However, I am going to try and get to sleep a little sooner tonight because I have to be up early to go to the gym.

The trip to Asia was wonderful and I am now look forward to going to Buenos Aires next week. The fun never stops in the Olympic fencer world.


spamchang said...

it's at times like those when i'm grateful for my ridiculously low alcohol tolerance...instead of sleeping pills (which muck with brain chemistry), i just have a glass or two of some adult beverage, which should knock me out pretty quickly :P keep the curtains open at home; natural sunlight helps a lot too!

how was the fundraiser?

Iris said...

The fundraiser was postponed because we had some trouble securing a venue and one of the people helping out had a family emergency. Se la vi.

I am hoping to reschedule the fundraiser and have something in San Francisco in the fall before the start of the next season.

Thanks for asking! :)